Thursday, December 22, 2011


Rindunye kt blog ni..lme gile kot x post pape..
berhabuk da die...hehe..
jap2 biar aku bersihkan die..

ha..sekarang baru blh tulis...
tadi peh berhabuk gile tu..
clear tak skang..

nk ckp pe pn dah tak tau dah..
ye la dah lame tak text kat sini..
btw, nk ckp thanks byk2 kt spe yg da folow..
sorry la blog nie x de post yg menarik or yg boleh share sgt..
tak pe la..nnt kalau byk mse aku akan wat yg best2 tok korg bce..
 k la..i need to go..
see u later..

Saturday, September 10, 2011

hari Isnin nie trial spm...


bye2 fb...nanti jumpe lagi.. :'(
kepade sesiapa yg bace blog nie..doakan saye tau..
nak trial hari Isnin nie...12 SEPTEMBER 201...
insyaAllah saye pon doakan korang yg nak exam jgak...
takut sgt nie...menggigil!!!

saye akan buat yg terbaik..
ini smue utk mse dpn, 
mak ayah dan lain2...

ini pesan saye utk smue...


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Imtiaz Bahasa Arab!!!

pada 29- 30 julai yang lalu...
saya dan beberapa lagi budak tingkatan 5 telah
menyertai suatu progrem yang sangat bermanfaat...
alamak skema le plak...x mau, x mau...
nie bukan post...nie karangan laporan dok...
aq nie baru balik dari ISMAH Beach Resort..
peh best sangat2...i like!!!
yang pegi tu ad 79 org...3 org cikgu...
mcm ne nak citer ek???
citer je satu bilik nan Pikasub, Puteri, Tipah, Ziare n Yan...
no. bilik uh 530...
ha' tu la kuncinye...pastu kitorg jiran plak ngan bilik 529..
nie bdk2 nye Sol, Anis, Nisa, Kira n Miera...
best tau..2 bilik uh mcm datu bilik je..

comel kan smue.. :)
pastu banyak sgt slot yg best2 smue nye...
ade main kuiz kat pantai..
seronok sgt...kitorang yg kat atas nie satu group gak...
group no. 1 plak tu...
kitorang menang tau kuiz uh...
menanggung kekalahan..hahahaha..
x de la kalah sangat kan...
dapt no. 4 drpd 5...
ok what?? bkn last pon..hadiah smue same je...
tapi ad owg x tgk hadiah...
die lbh suke tgk title uh...
bagi aq tu smue x important sgt pon...
yg penting kita enjoy!!!

berie2 masing2...
tu je kot nnt aq sambung bebel ea...
tgk pic je ea...

qiefa 178.....

Friday, July 22, 2011

Calon PLKN 2012??? I'm accepted??

Assalamualaikum semua...amacam sehat x???
aq mcm biase la..sehat2 je...
aq tgh rungsing nie...x tau la..
betul ke x ni...
aq dpat msk PLKN dow...
x caye ke??? cube tgk nie........

ha...caye X??? aq pon tak caye jgak...
mule2 aq pike aq 'never ever evr' dpt...
aq blagak ile ngn bebudak klas aq yg aq nie....
'never ever evr dpt PLKN nie...
coz owg kate klu kite nie KING SCOUT x yah pegi PLKN...
tu yg aq kte..'never ever evr' dapat...hahaha..lawak la plak..
yg aq pelik..bdk KING SCOUT yg lain x ddt pon...x pe la...
kite tgk jap ea cmne kat PLKN tu..
kne kawat kat tgh2 panas ...pehhh
wargh!!!monkey bar!!!
nak naik atas tu plak....

panjat tembok???boleh ke x nie???

eh akak nie blh snyum nnti blh ke x ek???

amboi, dpat main perang2 la...best2!! rse byk lagi aktiviti die...
nie je yg aq dpt...
xpe2...nnt bile aq g sne upload byk2 pic...tungggu je...
nak tau x spe lg yg gi...bdk klas aq ad 8 org g termasuk aq...

dan ramai lagi...
neen to stop dulu..nnt aq post lg...doa kan aq n kwn2 aq nnt tau...

create by,

The Lazy Song – Bruno Mars | VideokeMan

The Lazy Song – Bruno Mars | VideokeMan

Today I Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything

I Just Wanna Lay In My Bed

Don’t Feel Like Pickin’ Up My Phone

So Leave A Message At The Tone

‘Cause Today I swear I’m Not Doin’ Anythin’

I’m Gonna Kick My Feet Up

Then Stare At The Fan

Turn The TV On

Throw My Hand In My Pants

Nobody’s Gon’ Tell Me I Can’t

I’ll Be Lounging On The Couch, Jus’ Chillin In My Snuggie

Click To MTV So They Can Teach Me Howda Dougie

Cause In My Castle I’m The Freakin’ Man

Oh Oh

Yes I Said It

I Said It

I Said It ‘Cause I Can

Today I Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything

I Just Wanna Lay In My Bed

Don’t Feel Like Pickin’ Up My Phone

So Leave A Message At The Tone

‘Cause Today I Swear I’m Not Doin’ Anythin’

Nothin’ At All

Woo Hoo Ooh

Woo Hoo Ooh Ooooh Ooh Ooh

Nothin’ At All

Woo Hoo Ooh

Woo Hoo Ooh Ooooh Ooh Ooh

Tomorrow I’ll Wake Up Do Some P90X

Meet A Really Nice Girl Have Some Really Nice Sex

She’s Gonna Scream Out “This Is Great!” (Oh My God! This Is Great!)


I Might Mess Around, and Get My Collage Degree

I Bet My Old Man Would Be So Prouda Me

But Sorry Pops You’ll Just Have To Wait

Oh Oh

Yes I Said It

I Said It

I Said It ‘Cause I Can

Today I Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything

I Just Wanna Lay In My Bed

Don’t Feel Like Pickin’ Up My Phone

So Leave A Message At The Tone

‘Cause Today I swear I’m Not Doin’ Anythin’

No I Ain’t Gonna Comb My Hair

‘Cause I Ain’t Goin’ Anywhere

No No No No No No No No No


I’ll Just Strut In My Birthday Suit

And Let Everything Hang Loose

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Yes I Said It

I Said It

I Said It ‘Cause I Can

Today I Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything

I Just Wanna Lay In My Bed

Don’t Feel Like Pickin’ Up My Phone

So Leave A Message At The Tone

‘Cause Today I swear I’m Not Doin’ Anythin’

Nothin’ At All

Woo Hoo Ooh

Woo Hoo Ooh Ooooh Ooh Ooh

Nothin’ At All

Woo Hoo Ooh

Woo Hoo Ooh Ooooh Ooh Ooh

Friday, June 3, 2011


assalamualaikum semua....
dah lame aq x bebel kt sini kan...
al-maklumla 'buzy' la kate kn...
today aq nak cer sikit pasal jambori aq gi aritu...
aritu la sgt...samalam la...
kitorg gi ari isnin sampai hari jumaat smalam...
best la juga kan...
dpt jmpe ramai gille owg...
ade yg or melaka, ade yg org luar negara...
ceh wah luar negara la sangat...
org Indonesia je pon..lg ad org Brunei...
pstu yg luar melak lak...
ad org Johor, Pulau Pinang, Terengganu...
ala banyak lagi la...
ape lagi ek???
yg best mse malam kebudyaan...
tiap2 malam ade malam budaya...
peh persembahan semua mantop2...
merlimau pon tak kurang hebatnye tau....
paling best la bagiaq..
persembahan dr Indonesia...
Sekolah Al-Hira...peh mmg best la...
aq siap tukar skaft lagi ngn diorang...
yg aq smpt kenal ngn budak Al-Hira...
Yolla Nouta, Ulfah Syukriah Yulanda n Nindy Leorian...
nie smue bdk pompuan yg comel sgt...
ade sorang budak laki uh name die Abimayu...
kecik je die...
tapi die kate umur die 12 tahun...
mse malam kedua kt sne peh...
hujan lebat sangat...
smpai msk dlm kemah kitorang...
skola aq yg pe gi 7 org je...
spatutnye ramai...
tapi last minit mak ayah x bagi pegi plak..
nak wa cmne kan...
aq dok satu khemah ngn dak Anis...
Yg pegi uh 2 org form 5, 3 org Form 4 n 2 org form 3...
tu je la bdk skola aq...
mse hari last tu rse sedeh la juga kan...
x sangka ad abg kelana uh meleleh air mata die mase kitorang (budak2 merlimau)nak balik..
akak kelana pon sme ad yg nangis...sedeh aq tengok..
dh la..tu je kot aq nak cer...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

hari da nak balik hostel....

spe nak ikut aq balik hostel???
mesti smue x nak kan...hahaha...
nak tau x ayah nak anta aq balik kol 2 lak tu...
takut la ...gedik jep ek'..huhu..
tadi dak Dek msg aq, die kte nak wat port luck...
tapi aq x tau nak bwk pe...
aq rse nak bwk mee je...
tapi tau leh ke x mak aq nak wat kan..
minggu kak long aq balek...
die bwk kawan die skali...
sbb die balik le aq kne balik awal...
sbb mak ayah aq nak g antau di lak...
x pela ...bukan slalu balik awal kan...

nie die asrama aq...
tapi nie kat blok F...
aq dok kat bloh H...ntah bile le aq nak pindah kat blok Adenin tu..
x lantil2 plak bdk pengawas bru tu...
cg. kate nak wat pelantikan uh bln 6..
peh lame lagi beb...
aq dah boring la dok kat blok tu..
dah la smue form 3..
sakit jiwa aq..
bukan x suke, just x minat je...hahaha...
da la tu je kot nanti aq smbg cite lagi la...
aq nak g kemas2 barang...
nak balik da kan ...

Saturday, April 30, 2011

dh lame x update la....

hai bosan betul la...
mesti korang bukak blog aq nie bosan gak kan??
aq dh lame x update die..
sbb aq x tau nak nulis pe...
aq tau nka cer pe arie nie...
first skali aq nak kabo pasal...
hari tu..
aq ade amik test king scout...
peh tesekso jiwo den...
nak kate sng tu x de la...
susah lak gak...huhu...
tapi best gile...
mse uh aq dpt no 48...
kt sne pentaraf2 x panggil name tapi panggil no...
contohnye "48, mari sini!!!!" peh belari aq...poyo je...
macam2 kitorg kene uji...
antaranye...wat ikatan la...wat bush menthong la...
wat ketupat la...byak lagi la...
yg paling aq takut mase...
kne koman kt dpt group...peh mengigil lutot den...
kitorg kne tido atas hemok je tau..
khemah langsung x leh bwk...huhu...
masak kne sndiri tau...
klu x masak, x makan la jawab nye...
hari tu mmg la memenatkan gile...
mane x nye...
bayang kan tido kol 2 pagi bangun kol 4..
x gile tu..
ape2 pon thanx kat pentaraf2 cos x wat ng susah2...hehe...
ok la nnt aq stiri lagi la babai....

Thursday, March 24, 2011



25 MAC 2011


haha...bajet je aq..
hari nie skola aq ade owg dtg nk rakam pasal kegunaan ICT kt skola aq le...
owg tu dtg kol 10...
tapi diorg rakam kitorg mse tu klas ICT...
smue nk cover muke masing2..
pastu cg. pon kalut je...hehe..(just kidding) (^.^)..
ape2 pon congrate kt cg. Aziz sbb bejaya wat yg tebaek..huhu..
kitorg mse rakam uh kitorg blajar NETWOKING...
berie2 bukak blog PANITIA ICT nk download latihan le powerpoint le...
hehe..nk download lak lambat..
last2 cg. ajak pegi blakang amik NIC tunjuk kt kamera..
pstu dh..owg tu pon balik..
kitorg pe lg buat keje le...
ok la mse dh abis...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Korobori pengakap Malaysia.

Hari nie aq x nak banyak bebel la...
sbb arie nie aq just nak show kt korg smue pic2 korobori...
die start hari juamaat sampai hari rabu...
5 hari..yg ade bebudak je ramai..
sbb nie mmg utk diorg pon..huhu

ni spe ek??

bdk yg bajet lebih..huhu


majlis perasmian penutupan..

barisan org besar..

nie abg Pie n bdk pgkp Raja..

this is En Kamarudin Jantan...Pesuruhjaya daerah Merlimau..

yg baju purple tu Syeramie..die ni ank Cg. Ibrahim...

 tu je kot dulu...nnt klu aq ade mse aq upload lagi yep...

                                                                -qiefa 178-

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Time (Dirty Bit) – Black Eyed Peas

(This is international)
(Big mega radio smasher)

I’ve had the time of my life
And I’ve never felt this way before
And I swear this is true
And I owe it all to you

I’ve had the time of my life
And I’ve never felt this way before
And I swear this is true
And I owe it all to you

Dirty bit
Dirty bit

I-I came up in here to rock
Light a fire, make it hot
I don’t wanna take no pictures
I just wanna take some shots
So come on, let’s go
Let’s lose control
Let’s do it all night
‘Til we can’t do it no mo’

People rockin’ to the sound
Turn it up and watch it pound
We gon’ rock it to the top
Until the roof come burnin’ down
Yeah, it’s hot in herrre
The temperaturrre
Has got these ladies
Gettin’ freakierrr

I got freaky, freaky, baby
I was chillin’ with my ladies
I didn’t come to get bougie
I came here to get crazy
I was born to get wiiild
That’s my styyyle
If you didn’t know that
Well, baby, now you know now

‘Cause I’m!
A good! Time!
With you!
I’m tellin’ you

I’ve had the time of my life
And I’ve never felt this way before
And I swear this is true
And I owe it all to you

I’ve had the time of my life
And I’ve never felt this way before
And I swear this is true

And I owe it all to you

Dirty bit
Dirty bit

All-all these girls, they like my swagger
They callin’ me Mick Jagger
I be rollin’ like a Stone
Jet-setter, jet-lagger
We ain’t messin’ with no maggots
Messin’ with the baddest
Chicks in the club
Honey, what’s up?

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who’s the baddest of them all?
Yeah, it’s gotta be the apl
I’m the mack daddy, y’all
Haters better step back
Ladies (don’t load your act)
I’m the party application
Rockin’ just like that

(This is international)
(Big mega radio smasher)

‘Cause I’m!
A good! Time!
With you!
I’m tellin’ you

I-I-I-I’ve had
The time of my li-i-ife
And I’ve never felt this way before-fore
And I swear-wear
This is tru-u-ue
And I owe it all to you-ou

Oh, I-I-I-I’ve had
The time of my li-i-i-ow
And I’ve never felt this way before-fore
And I swear-wear
This is tru-u-ue
And I owe it all to you-ou

I-I-I-I’ve had
The time of my li-i-ife
And I’ve never felt this way before-fore
And I swear-wear
This is tru-u-ue
And I owe it all to you-ou

Oh, I-I-I-I’ve had
The time of my li-i-i-ow
And I’ve never felt this way before-fore
And I swear-wear
This is tru-u-ue
And I owe it all to you-ou

Dirty bit!
